About us

About us

Autism Central is a peer education programme, commissioned by NHS England. It aims to build knowledge and understanding of autism and empower families and carers to advocate for autistic people they support. Local support helps families to get the right understanding and adjustments in place across the services they use.

Everything the programme does is informed by, or co-produced with autistic people, families and carers. 

Autism Central hubs deliver the programme in seven regions across England through group and one-to-one sessions, giving information on local services. Each session is delivered by parents and carers of autistic people who are happy to share their knowledge and experience with others.

Our vision

The Autism Central vision is a world where parents and carers of autistic children and adults are knowledgeable about autism, confident in navigating services and empowered to maintain both their own wellbeing and the wellbeing of the autistic person they support.

99.5% of parents and carers said they would recommend the Autism Central programme
Correct at June 2024. Source: Hub FCPA survey
Peer educators trained and providing one-to-one and group sessions
Correct at June 2024. Source: programme reporting
8335 one-to-ones delivered to parents and carers
Correct at June 2024. Source: programme reporting

What do parents say?

“I am so very grateful for the work you are doing and would be utterly lost without you. I felt like I was floating lost at sea before and then you came and threw me a life ring. THANK YOU !!”

“It’s incredibly valuable to have someone to talk to one-to-one, who understands and can listen and offer advice. Thank you.”

Get involved

Are you a parent or carer of an autistic person? Would you like to help other families of autistic people in your local area? We’re looking for people who are interested in becoming peer educators and share their knowledge and experience with others. 

Read more about peer educators.

Contact your local hub to find out more.

Our leadership groups

  • Expert Reference Group: a group of subject matter experts and people with lived experience who shape detailed plans, and contribute their knowledge, insight and support the creation of the content and resources.  
  • Parent Carer Panel: the Panel is a group of autistic people, parents and carers who are involved in writing and shaping content to share their perspectives and experiences. 
  • Governance Steering Group: representatives of the programme partners, a group of nine not-for-profit organisations. We believe that working in partnership is a strength which brings together a diverse range of viewpoints, experience and expertise.

Our partners

We believe that working in partnership is a strength which brings together a diverse range of viewpoints, experience and expertise. The programme is a partnership of nine not-for-profit organisations. 

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