Leaving school

Leaving school

Leaving school is a life-changing event which can be challenging for many autistic young people. Some may consider taking courses at a college or university. Others may prefer applying for jobs, apprenticeships or volunteering.

While employment is a desirable outcome for many young autistic people, it’s also not always a viable option for everyone.

There are a number of things parents and carers can do to make the transition period less stressful for autistic young people.

  • It’s a good idea to start the planning process early, so that there is plenty of time to prepare for new situations and changes.

  • If a young person is planning to go to college or university, it can help to meet support staff before they start and become familiar with the new environment.

  • There are organisations that can help young autistic people to find employment and apprenticeships.

  • Arranging a more flexible start may help to make the new situation less overwhelming, so for example starting a new job part-time or attending a reduced number of university lectures, if that is possible.

Whenever plans about a young person’s future are made, it’s vital that they are consulted on their wishes and preferences where possible, even if it’s felt that the person does not have the capacity to make decisions themselves.

You can find more information and advice on leaving school by clicking on the links below.

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