Social care for autistic adults

Social care for autistic adults

As autism is a spectrum, autistic people can have very different support needs. Some people may require very little assistance and live independently, others may need help with certain tasks or more specialist support.

Needs assessment

If the young person or adult you support has an autism diagnosis, they have the right to a free needs assessment. You can apply for this through your local authority. During an assessment, a social or community worker will find out what the autistic person’s specific needs are, and a decision will be made on whether they are eligible for social care support. You can find more information on assessments and eligibility criteria in the links at the bottom of this page. 

Support provided could include:

•    help from an outreach worker with everyday tasks
•    aids and equipment for the home
•    access to centres that help with activities 
•    seeing therapists or other healthcare specialists, such as counsellors 
•    short breaks/ respite care for family members 
•    access to centres and support groups
•    supported employment services
•    supported living arrangements, such as residential care or home shares

Paying for support

Local authorities can charge for the support services they offer. The amount of financial support you receive to pay for these services is means-tested, so depends on your income and savings. 

Support for carers

Parents and carers of autistic people have the same rights to apply for support as those they care for. Support for carers could include receiving help around the home, short breaks or travel assistance for example. You can find links with more information on how to access support below.  


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