Newsletter: latest edition


Newsletter: latest edition

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Stay up-to-date and receive updates about the programme and new resources.


  • Out and about
  • Podcast: Sensory differences as a non-speaking autistic person 
  • Podcast: Sensory differences as a semi-speaking autistic person
  • Programme update


  • Podcast: Experiencing sensory differences as an autistic person
  • Transition to adulthood guide
  • Looking after yourself, Carers Week 
  • Results from the web survey


  • Podcast: Supporting your child's sensory needs
  • Podcast: Supporting sensory needs of non-speaking children
  • Finding the balance resources


  • World Autism Acceptance Week
  • Understanding autism guide
  • Supporting play guide


  • Sensory processing resources
  • Jargon buster
  • Website survey


  • Finding the balance - wellbeing resources
  • 'Am I doing this all wrong?'
  • 'Dealing with other people'
  • 'Why do I feel so drained?'
  • 'Looking after yourself'


  • Understanding autism.
  • A guide to understand autistic overwhelm, meltdowns and shutdowns.
  • A series of films where young people describe their experience of stress and anxiety, the impact and how they can be supported.
  • Personal assistants, more information to find out if they could help support you or a family member.


  • Navigating education
  • Getting help at school - eight principles.
  • One page profile template.
  • School stress and anxiety guide.

Stay up-to-date and receive updates about the programme and new resources.

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